Stop missing out on business opportunities

Of 1964 companies
Losses valued at€25.3 million
Losses valued at€16.5 - 25.3 million
Losses valued at€8 - 13.5 million
Losses valued at€1 million

According to the European Commission, not having a linguistic strategy results in millions of euros in losses among SMEs in Europe.

As shown by the PIMLICO study, in which the linguistic competencies of 1,964 companies is compared with their turnover.

Of 195 of these SMEs, around 10% state that they have lost contracts as a direct result of not having linguistic competencies. The turnover from these contracts could be as much as 25.3 million euros.

The limits of my language are the limits of my world

Ludwig Wittgenstein

Increase your sales

Companies that apply a linguistic strategy export around 44.5% more than those that do not. In other words, they export almost double.

* Increase in companies’ sales volume percentage due to implementing a linguistic strategy.

Does your company have a good linguistic strategy?
Take this test to find out.

If I’m selling to you, then I speak your language, If I am buying, then you must speak German

Willy Brandt

Discover your company’s strengths

What is a linguistic strategy and how is it applied?

Here are some of the main points of a good linguistic strategy:

Translation of the corporate web site into several languages with cultural adaptationSEO in languages for positioning in foreign search enginesContracting professional translation agenciesAttending meetings and events with professional interpretersTranslation of documentation, advertising material, etc.Training in languages and cultural information plans

 How can imatrad help with your linguistic strategy?

See the services imatrad offers

  • El rasgo diferenciador de Carl Zeiss es la incuestionable calidad de su tecnología. imatrad entiende lo importante que es para nosotros transmitir ese mismo nivel de calidad en todo lo que hacemos y, especialmente, en la documentación que acompaña a nuestros equipos. Por eso, se adapta continuamente a nuestras necesidades con las más innovadoras herramientas y la mejor actitud.
    Raf Putseys, director división,
    IMT de Carl Zeiss de México S.A.

  • Vaughan Systems worked closely with Imatrad for over a year from 2012 -2013 on one of our most successful publishing projects: “Willkommen”, a part-work German course comprising 51 books specifically designed for Spaniards and sold in conjunction with the El Mundo newspaper. The course sold over one million books. Imatrad’s involvement in the project was key on a number of different levels: development of original content, correcting, editing and closing final documents prior to printing. Imatrad’s work was always exemplary as was their attitude throughout the project and I would wholeheartedly recommend their services to anyone serious about obtaining quality content in the German language.
    Richard Brown, director de I+D de Vaughan Systems

  • La gran ventaja de poder contar con imatrad es disponer de un proveedor de traducciones y maquetación que conoce exactamente las formas de trabajo, glosarios, formatos y cualquier otro aspecto relacionado con la documentación de SEDECAL. Una firma capaz de traducir nuestros manuales a cualquier idioma, llegando en algún caso a realizar traducciones de hasta 16 lenguas al mismo tiempo, obteniendo siempre la máxima calidad. Una comunicación fluida, un esfuerzo continuo por entender nuestras necesidades, y la adaptación a nuestras complejas herramientas de elaboración de documentos, hacen que consideremos a imatrad como una extensión de nuestro equipo de trabajo
    Departamento de documentación técnica Sedecal

  • We have been working with imatrad, S.Coop. for the past 2 years now and find them to be precise, punctual, helpful and the communication with them is very good. I don't have any hesitations in recommending their work.
    Alistair Binks,
    Napos Oldal Translations

  • imatrad ist ein verlässlicher Partner für qualitativ hochwertige Übersetzungen. Kurze Reaktionszeiten, faire Preise, gute Leistung. Wir arbeiten immer wieder gerne mit dem imatrad-Team zusammen.
    Mag. phil. Carina Mayr,
    itl Institut für technische Literatur AG

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447native-speaking collaborators throughout the world

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